OST™ (Oxygen Saturation Technology) is a patented and groundbreaking new commercially available product. OST™ works differently than other oxygenation or aeration systems on the market, allowing it to have diverse applications in various shallow bodies of water. In this blog, we will investigate how OST™ differs from other oxygen solutions and some of the benefits of this new technology.
One of the main drawbacks of other oxygenation/aeration systems is sediment churn or sediment resuspension due to how oxygen is supplied to the water system. This disturbs muck buildup and can even introduce other issues like increased manganese and HABs from phosphorus and nitrogen released from sediment churn.
Another benefit of OSTTM over traditional oxygenation solutions is that temperature stratification remains in addition to eliminating sediment churn, leading to an overall healthier water ecosystem. Traditional aeration systems can mix up water temperature layers, leading to issues later. OSTTM was developed to enhance the characteristics of natural stratification, where the bottom stays cold while the surface water remains warm. OSTTM units are placed on the bottom of a water body, in the deepest section, so the cold water stays at the bottom.
Another benefit to an OSTTM system over a traditional aeration configuration is the ability to set DO (dissolved oxygen) levels to a desired specification. This allows each OSTTM installation to be tailored to the client’s needs. With the OSTTM system, you’ll be able to see what the current DO level is from monitoring and adjust your desired DO levels as needed. This is a huge advancement over past systems where you might not be able to see what current levels are or how the system is performing.
In addition to being able to set the DO level, OSTTM is much more efficient and cost-effective when compared to other systems currently on the market. The efficiency of OSTTM cannot be matched with any other system; operation times are often one- third that of traditional aeration systems. This is obtained by continuously maintaining pre- programmed DO level via automation, turning OFF/ON depending on real-time monitoring of bottom DO concentrations which offers substantial electrical savings. Instead of other systems constantly running, OSTTM can adjust run times to save on electricity usage and to minimize DO fluctuations.
In addition, most current systems have a large land footprint. OSTTM is mostly submerged, which eliminates a lot of noise pollution and land footprint needed for the system to run. The OSTTM unit circulates water from the bottom of the lake. Oxygen is generated via an on-shore oxygen generator, which supplies oxygen through a submerged supply line to the OSTTM unit in the lake. The oxygen dissolves into the circulating water as it passes through the OSTTM unit, and the oxygen-enriched water is then distributed along the lake/reservoir bottom, allowing the development of an oxygen blanket over the sediment. Because of this patented technology, OSTTM is the only aeration method that can guarantee that desired DO levels are met, therefore maintaining ecosystem health.
Finally, many oxygenation/aeration systems on the market do not target issues at the source; they simply add (compressed) air to an environment to promote mixing without examining the root issues the ecosystem is facing, like HABs, low oxygen, odors, standing water, and more. When you choose an OSTTM system, our team of experts will help you identify problem areas and use this revolutionary system to target issues at the source.
For more details on how OSTTM can benefit your organization, or for any questions on how OSTTM is different from any other oxygenation product on the market, reach out to our team today.
Clarity Resources Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2024